Here's a free guide to help you balance your changing hormones...

Check out my free, easy-to-implement PDF, "How to Eat for Happy Hormones," that details the eating habits, foods, and 3 full meal plans that can help you lose the fat and lift your mood as you go through perimenopause and beyond.

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What you’ll get out of this freebie:

Perimenopause, excess body fat, and stress are all major factors in creating hormonal chaos.  

As well as how and what you eat.

When your hormones are changing in perimenopause, belly fat and other symptoms can become an issue. Not to mention you become more prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers, as well as brain fog, mood swings, and depression..  

Luckily, what and how you eat can help turn things around and make you feel a whole lot better.

Let's do this!

I'm Debbie and I'm a PCC certified life coach living in beautiful Montreal, Canada.

I help women over 40 lose belly fat, as well as get healthier and feel their best as they navigate perimenopause, menopause, and all the lifestyle changes mid-life can bring.

I'm also a certified yoga teacher, personal trainer and nutrition coach, as well as mom to three young adults. 

In my free time, I enjoy being active with an awesome group of friends, cooking vegetarian fare, and cuddling up our mini-schnauzer, Xena.

You can easily find me at

Feel better with foods, meals, and habits that support your hormones

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