Are you ready to lose belly fat? 

Join my 7 Day BELLY FIT Challenge!

Chances are that “losing weight” will be high up on your resolution list for 2019. 

And while that’s not a bad thing, I want you know that weight isn’t the best number to look at. 

If you're moving towards or through menopause, and better health and fitness are your goals for 2019 (as well as less hot flashes and migraines), then focus on your WAIST, not your WEIGHT.  

P.S. Did I mention it's 100% free?

7 days. 7 fitness challenges. Many ideas to get Belly Fit.

Get moving!

Your body was built to move. 

So, each day you'll have a short and simple physical challenge to complete... Including video links to explain each exercise.

No equipment needed.

All together, these exercises will help strengthen your muscles and bones, improve your cardio, lift your mood, and of course, reduce belly fat.  

Eat for energy

Food is energy.

But we use it for comfort, avoidance, and to relieve stress and boredom. 

Throughout the challenge, I'll be sharing some nutrition tips and ideas... Not just the what, but the how too!  

Stop to de-stress

Have you noticed the typical answer to "How are you?" is no longer "Fine"? 

It's "Busy."

And where there's busy, there's usually stress.

Over the 7 days, I'll be sharing some ideas for releasing stress, which will make releasing belly fat a whole lot more effective!

Ready for the 7-Day BELLY FIT Challenge?

I can't wait to help you get started on better health, less belly, in 2019. Sign up today to get started!

Your info is safe with me—I'll never share your email.

Who's behind this challenge?

Debbie Harbec is a health and life coach, working to reduce belly fat for women over 40 going through peri-menopause and menopause. She's also a certified personal trainer, certified yoga teacher, and mom to three teenagers. 

In her free time, Debbie enjoys running with an awesome group of friends, cooking vegetarian fare, and cuddling up with her family and mini-schnauzer, Amber. 

You can easily find her