Ready to get HAPPIER?

Join my 10 Days to Happier Challenge!


Happy is a state of being.

And happy can be generated.

It can be created without making huge changes.

And that's so important because so many women in midlife are feeling less than happy.

They're feeling...

  • Stressed at work
  • Concerned about their health, weight, and body shape
  • Pressured to be great parents and caring children to their aging parents
  • Worried about money
  • Unfulfilled in relationships...

And in a word, they're feeling...


It's not depression.

But it's more like a feeling of unfulfillment, dissatisfaction, like something's missing, or feeling like things were supposed to be different.

And if this sounds like you, you may also be topping it off with guilt or shame around feeling unhappy at all.

We have to stop that cycle.

First by having compassion for your unhappiness.

You're definitely not alone.

And second, by not staying stuck at this setting.

You can turn up your happiness thermostat, and you should.

That where I come in with the...

10 Days to Happier Challenge!

Anyone can join, but it's especially for you if you're over 45 and feeling less than happy in any area of life.

For 10 days, we'll be completing short, simple experiments that have been proven to increase happiness.

And I know through my own experience, they do work.

So, are you ready to get happier with me?

It all starts Saturday, April 1st!

Let's get happier and healthier and together!  


P.S. Did I mention it's 100% free?

10 days. 10 fun experiments.

Feel HAPPIER starting now

You are meant to feel happy

But your thoughts and stories get in the way.

That's why, starting on Saturday, April 1st, you'll receive ONE experiment in your inbox from me.

I call them experiments, because they're something to try, and then you decide if they work or not for you.

And the experiments will be varied... Anything from physical action to completely calm.

So, each day, for 10 days, a new experiment will arrive.

At the end of 10 days you'll have 10 new ways to increase your happiness.

All you need to do is to show up for yourself each day, with an open mind and ready to have fun.

Just 15 minutes a day

You don't need an hour a day to feel happier.

All you need to do is reserve 15 minutes each day... I promise, it'll change your life, including your body and your health.

So, before we get started, take a look at your calendar.

And then add that 15-minute block on every day from April 1st to 10th.

Now you're ready to go!

Ready for the 10 Days to Happier Challenge?

Let's get happier together this spring! Sign up today to get started... 

Who's behind this challenge?

Hi, I'm Debbie and I'm a Life Coach, working to help women over 40 reduce belly fat, get healthier, and feel better through the transition into menopause.

I'm also a certified yoga teacher, personal trainer, nutrition coach, mom to three young adults, and, in a past life, an aerospace engineer :)

In my free time, I enjoy walking/running with an awesome group of friends, cooking vegetarian fare, and cuddling up with my mini-schnauzer, Xena. 

You can easily find me at: